Monday, February 22, 2010

As life passes us by…

As I sit at a café, taking in the chatter of the college students, the strong smell of the freshly brewed coffee, the soft music playing in background I wonder about life and how it passes us by. How we don’t value the moment we are in but instead wonder what the future has in store for us or what the past tried to tell us.

Our lives are made up of moments; moments that make us realize the importance of things, make us regret certain actions, think of those that make us feel proud of our actions. Moments that make us realize how lucky we are to have certain people in our life, how grateful we are for the good deeds there exist.

We waste our time on the largely inconsequential things in life, the ones that make up for most of those moments. We wonder whether we are good enough, what color goes with which other, what certain people think of us, whether we deserve enough and how life will be tomorrow. We waste time blaming the actions of yesterday, questioning the reasons for what tomorrow will be. We more than often do not relish the moment we are in, thank the higher powers for giving us that moment.

Life may be an amalgamation of moments, but it is those singular moments that make our life.

It is that one moment, that one second of our life that can change it forever. It is that moment which we often ignore, that passes us by. We miss out on the laughter of the toddler in the playground, ignore the wind blowing on our face, forget to gaze at the sunset, take walking with a loved one for granted, and overlook the smile on our parents face. We take for granted the chats with a sibling or the fights with a best friend. We forget until that last moment hits us, of these moments which made life worth living. We wish then that we had stopped and savored it all while it existed.

Moments are not merely seconds that make up the day; they are the individual parts that sum up what your life has been. So why wait for the last moment of it to finally treasure the moments that made it all up? Why not sit back once in a while and enjoy the joy of nothings, the smell of the freshly brewed coffee, listen to the music being played in the background and smile when you think of the chats you had with your college friends? It is in this moment that your life will find meaning, for in this moment you can change your life, in this moment you can feel happy. It is in this moment you can grieve, feel the pain of losing someone, and make the mistake that teaches you more than life ever can. It is this moment that you should live in, a moment at a time.


Rohan said...

I think, this is one of the best things you've written ever- very honest, very TRUE and something I deeply resonate with. I'm glad I know you :)

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Absolutely amazing!!! I love the way you've put everything into perspective!! Simply a brilliant blog!! I'm left speechless!! :)

Kanta said...

This is so strange...I went to a wedding at weekend and we had to fill out cards with our thoughts on the wedding and I almost wrote something similar about treasuring each moments that we live...

Anonymous said...

Great post. Looking forward to the next.

Anonymous said...

As i read your blog.........i could agree more with is really made up of small moments only...if at all we are smart enough to understand and appreciate it.......we are so grossed up into petty things we want to get in future that we dont realise what we are loosing every day...some of these precious moments.....we are not born like this.... but we become a part of it.... we should rather stop and look aorund to see and appreciate these moments....

I liked your article.... keep on doing this good work.